Payson High School Survey Results
The Payson Area Advisory Youth Council (PAAYC) recently surveyed Payson High School students regarding their future plans for attending college (4-year University or Community College/Vocational School). The 574 students responding to the short survey included 178 freshman, 153 sophomores, and 234 juniors/seniors.
Results revealed 15% plan to attend a 4-year university and 10% a Community College/Vocational school.
However, when asked if having a 4-year university in Payson would increase their chances of pursuing higher education, 73% responded YES. When asked for their biggest factor in choosing a 4-year university, the students most often cited LOCATION (55%), FINANCIAL AID (42%), and ACADEMICS (36%).
Would having a 4-year university in Payson increase your chances of pursuing higher education?